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The Renatus Athletics Motto

Located in Hemet Ca, our facility is about fitness reborn. Our motto..

1. I will promise to do my best. My best will vary from day to day, from hour to hour, from minute to minute. But in that minute, I will do the very best that I can.

2. Lactic acid is my friend. The wind is my friend. Anything that opposes me is actually helping me to become stronger. If I had no opposition, I would be weak.

3. If I can run, I run. If I have to walk, I walk. When I am forced to crawl, I crawl. And then I rest and live to fight another day.

4. I fear no man but I fear my workout. If I donā€™t fear my workout, it isnā€™t hard enough.

5. I may puke. I may cry. But I will not quit. Ever.

6. I never cheat. There is no honor in cheating. What joy can there be in a victory I did not earn?

7. The workout missed is the opportunity missed. I will not cheat myself of the opportunity to become a better athlete and person.

8. I understand the value of the push-up, the pull-up, the sit-up, the squat, and the deadlift. Just as there are a million ways to make chicken, so too are there a million ways to squat, sit up, pull up, push up, and deadlift.

9. I will give everything I have. And then I will find more within myself.

10. I donā€™t complain. Complaining is for crybabies. There are 250 babies born every minute worldwide. I will leave the crying to them and I will soldier on.

11. I will bite off challenges, spit out results, and beg for more.


“What is the best part of this box?”ā€¦.We touch lives. Read about what some of our athletes have to say.


Jackie Morovick

“There arenā€™t many people for whom Iā€™d wake up at 4 a.m. Mostly, because I stay up until about then editing!Ā ;)Ā But Jackie is special to me. So when she asked me about doing a Crossfit session for her ā€” I didnā€™t hesitate ā€” even though I knew she woke up for a 5 a.m. class atĀ Crossfit RenatusĀ in Hemet, CA. Jackie told me she wanted this shoot to be as real as it could be. ā€œIā€™m not going to wear any makeup,ā€ Jackie said. ā€œI want this shoot to be real. This is who I really am. No makeup at 5 a.m.!ā€

Jackie has been on a fitness journey for a little over two years. Back then, she decided that she needed to do something different than she was doing to live a long, healthful life. She has two sons who both are rockstar athletes at their perspective colleges. Jackie told me back then that she wasnā€™t happy and she wanted to change. She wanted to prove to her boys that hard work DOES pay off. So ā€¦ she did.

Jackie 1

Flash forward two years and Jackie is not only an avid Crossfitter ā€” but she was also able to become a certified Jazzercise instructor. Over the past two years, her exercising along with eating healthfully has helped her lose over 60 pounds and keep it off. If you ask her what her ā€œwhyā€ is ā€” itā€™s her family. She wants to be around for them for a long time. And she wants to show her boys that if she can work hard to change her lifestyle, then they can succeed at their college athletics, no matter the circumstances. Itā€™s about overcoming adversity.

This isnā€™t a ā€œtypicalā€ shoot for Love Sprung by any means. But it was important to me to be able to highlight Jackieā€™s hard work and dedication to getting healthy. This was personal ā€” not only because I love Jackie, but Iā€™ve been fighting to keep fit and healthy all of my life. Iā€™m on my own journey, having lost 100 pounds, and I know that many times, we need inspiration to stay focused. I wanted to tell Jackieā€™s story through pictures in hopes of motivating others to start (or keep pushing) their own health journey. Itā€™s not easy! But it certainly is worth it.

Jackieā€™s strong faith in God and her dedication to not only being the best mom and wife, but being the BEST version of herself, IS inspiring. As her friend, Iā€™m so proud of her! Here is a picture of Jackieā€™s ā€œbeforeā€ so you can more appreciate just how far sheā€™s come.

Keep it up, Jackie! And thank you for being such a strong role model and a wonderful, encouraging friend. You are a special woman!

Enjoy Jackieā€™s workout! It may make you tired just looking at the portraits.Ā ;)” – 2014

ā€”Valerie Drew

jackie 3 Jackie 2

Story and photos by


Blair Hernandez

“Hello, my name is Blair Hernandez, Iā€™m 25 years young, college student, mother to one child, and Iā€™m a crossfit athlete. Less than a year ago I became part of a family. Not just any kind of family, a crossfit family which Iā€™m very proud and honored to be part of. Prior to my journey Iā€™ve been affiliated with 24 hour fitness and L.A. fitness for years until one day a friend of mine introduced Crossfit to me. Iā€™ve heard about Crossfit but never took the incitation to pursue this unknown affiliation. This was one of those moments when your curiosity gets the best of you but the outcome ended in a good way. The first time walking into Crossfit Renatus I instantly felt comfortable. I was welcomed by Josh Pagliaroli, owner and crossfit coach. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what I was getting myself into by signing up the same day but I was determined to satisfy my curiosity. After my first week out of fundamentals I havenā€™t felt physically sore since high school. I loved the physical challenge and was fascinated with this new affiliation, in essences I continued to come back. My body quickly adapted to the workouts and began to notice results in my strength as well as my appearance. Before I joined crossfit I could never do one single pull up but now I can perform multiple pull ups like strict and kipping pull ups with the help of my coaches. The coaches at Crossfit Renatus are remarkable, the best group of coaches anyone could ever ask for. They help you build yourself esteem and build confidence to achieve your goals. This is the type of community that youā€™re never alone, it doesnā€™t matter if your first or last in a workout. Youā€™re always being encouraged to finish the WOD by coaches and family members of Crossfit Renatus. My definition of crossfit is a community people uniting together that share a common bond of working out, feeling great, continuous encouragement, and building friendships. If itā€™s your first time joining crossfit, Crossfit Renatus is the place to be and if itā€™s not your first time, Crossfit Renatus has the highest level of respect for all crossfit athletes and are welcomed to join our box. My journey becoming a crossfitter has been a life changing experience for me in a positive way and Iā€™m very blessed to part of this family.” – 2014

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Kory Hernandez

“I’ve been going to Crossfit Renatus for about 8 months. Every day the trainers and other members of CFR push me a little more each day. I spent years going to globo gyms and spent more time waiting on people while they socialized and took up space. The trainers at CFR are consummate professionals who take pride in helping you achieve your goals, whether its increasing your overall fitness, mobility, training for a specific sport or competing in Crossfit. These folks take great pride in your success, promote that spirit of community synonymous with elite crossfit boxes and make you feel welcome from the minute you first walk through their doors.” – 2014



Cindy HittĀ 

“I have been working out for a long time in a globo gym and my first 6 weeks as CrossFit Renatus changed my world for working out. Learning the right way to lift and having the encouragement of others really makes a work out worth it!

I stopped the procrastination and start a new and better way of life.

*Fitness is not about being better than someone else…. It’s about being better then you used to be.

And at CrossFit It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop.” – 2014



Dan Green




“Crossfit Renatus has changed my life. The coaches are top notch and each of them bring something special to the table. I have never been into exercise and this box has changed the way I feel about being fit and working for it!” – 2014





Kerry Clausen

“It had been quite a while since I had a regular fitness routine. And I think it will be quite a while longer before I get one! Ā Crossfit Renatus gives you something different everyday. Each day brings a new challenge and new opportunities to push yourself toward your ultimate goal whatever that may be. The friendly atmosphere provides great motivation whether it be friendly competition or encouragement. The coaches are EXCELLENT! Ā All are friendly, knowledgeable, and always willing help you reach your goals. They go out of their way to get us the latest and greatest info out there. They also make life a little more interesting by providing extra challenges and contests that provide you the opportunity to “work” a little more helping you reach your goal or maybe get started on Ā a new one. Overall the great family oriented atmosphere and the friendly, knowledgeable coaches along with physical and mental challenges make this the perfect place for me. I would say they are stuck with me whether they like it or not ;-)” – 2014

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Kasondra Lopez

“I started this Crossfit journey last summer. Since then I wasn’t sure much had changed over the almost year and a half I’ve been doing it aside from gaining strength. I knew I had progressed there but didn’t think there was much change aside from that which sometimes was a downer, until last night.

I came across pictures of myself taken a year ago that I’ve never seen. I never did side by side comparison and had no clue this is what I looked like last year. So me thinking I hadn’t progressed as much as I had hoped was wrong. I have come a long way!

Thank you all for being so awesome and encouraging!

Left is from last October. Pic on the right is from last week.” – 2014



Jason ShowalterĀ 

“Hello everyone, my name is Jason Showalter. I am now 40 years old and have been doing and going to Crossfit RenatusĀ  four years now, one month after they opened the door. I was bored at L.A. Fitness and did not really have the motivation to stick to it for days, weeks, months, years. After starting Crossfit that all changed, I immediately started drinking the “Kool Aid” and have not looked back. I find that Cross Fit addresses so many other issues within one’s life which can include but not limited to fitness, health, motivation, determination, and the list goes on. At the time I started CrossFit, I had been in the Army for 16 years and had never maxed my Army Physical Fitness Test. Now I have not only maxed it three times but have remained in the 90% range for over four years. The coaches and staff at Renatus are excellent and always take the time to work with their athletes. If you are on the fence about CrossFit because you feel it is not for you, I challenge you to take that leap. CrossFit is for everyone.”Ā -2015
Jason is now a Coach at CrossFit Renatus.

Marsha Carey

“Fantastic, fun filled workouts! Every body’s level is welcome and equally important. As an out of shape 62 year old, I was a bit nervous to join but everyone is kind and helpful. I am amazed at my progress. I look forward to working out each day!” – 2016


Beatriz Sanchez


“I’m hooked to CrossFit. It’s my morning coffee. It wakes me up in the morning and starts off my day. CrossFit Renatus has great coaches and a friendly environment.” – 2017

Kasondra Lopez

“I first walked into CrossFit Renatus in 2013 not knowing what I was getting into. All I knew was I craved something that would motivate me to change my sedentary lifestyle. I was overweight and unhappy with myself for not sticking to something that would keep me active. No workout program or gym classes were keeping me interested and wanting more. I figured why not try CrossFit.

That was one of the best decisions I could have ever made. I knew from that first day that this was it. This was my thing. This place was for me.

Jump forward to 2017 and I am a whole new person. I have completely changed my lifestyle and I credit CrossFit Renatus., the amazing coaches, and the great people. They motivate me to get out the door everyday and work toward a healthier me. I absolutely love being a member of the CrossFit Renatus family.” – 2017

IMG_5176Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Before: A few weeks before starting CrossFit. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā After: January 2017