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The Renatus Athletics Motto

Located in Hemet Ca, our facility is about fitness reborn. Our motto..

1. I will promise to do my best. My best will vary from day to day, from hour to hour, from minute to minute. But in that minute, I will do the very best that I can.

2. Lactic acid is my friend. The wind is my friend. Anything that opposes me is actually helping me to become stronger. If I had no opposition, I would be weak.

3. If I can run, I run. If I have to walk, I walk. When I am forced to crawl, I crawl. And then I rest and live to fight another day.

4. I fear no man but I fear my workout. If I don’t fear my workout, it isn’t hard enough.

5. I may puke. I may cry. But I will not quit. Ever.

6. I never cheat. There is no honor in cheating. What joy can there be in a victory I did not earn?

7. The workout missed is the opportunity missed. I will not cheat myself of the opportunity to become a better athlete and person.

8. I understand the value of the push-up, the pull-up, the sit-up, the squat, and the deadlift. Just as there are a million ways to make chicken, so too are there a million ways to squat, sit up, pull up, push up, and deadlift.

9. I will give everything I have. And then I will find more within myself.

10. I don’t complain. Complaining is for crybabies. There are 250 babies born every minute worldwide. I will leave the crying to them and I will soldier on.

11. I will bite off challenges, spit out results, and beg for more.

Battle of Pearl Harbor WLM

Pearl_Harbor_FRONT copy


Welcome to the Battle of Pearl Harbor Weightlifting Meet. This event is open to all Weightlifters and Crossfitters looking to get a total. Come out, lift some weight and get a qualifying total for the American Open, Nationals 2016 and School Age Nationals 2016. Standard Meet rules apply. Show up…Warm Up…and Lift! We have 6,000 sqft facility with lots of platforms to warm-up on and tons of room for spectators.

USA Weightlifting

Sanction Number: TBD

Requirements: USAW Membership

USAW Rules and Regulations will be enforced

Maximum Lifters: 75

Medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place in each weight class.

Sinclair Awards for Top Male Lifter and Top Female Lifter

Each athlete will also receive a Battle of Pearl Harbor Weightlifting Meet T-Shirt.

Schedule of Events:

Session #   Weigh In         Lift

#1                 7am              9am

#2                 9am              11am

#3                11am             1pm

#4                1pm               3pm

#5                3pm               5pm

#6                5pm               7pm

If you want a valid total, you need to be registered under USAW

For any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the following:

Josh S. Pagliaroli

call or text @ 951-285-7966

email: [email protected]

*Entry fees are non-refundable

*Schedule is tentative and subject to change.